So poppy came and we cleaned up and got tons of soda and chips little did we know that none of it would be used by us. I and poppy set up the wiki and john was the first to show up. we played a couple of rounds and about 15 minutes later came Brianna we played until Skye came and we even got a round or two of twister i.e. sensed that if a midnight kiss were to happen john was aiming for poppy rather than me. Nathan had to write a candied essay (so do I) Mackenzie had a family party Shannon was never reached so it was just us so john my best friend form 2nd grade was looking like the only option we decided to go to the 3rd floor for some fun we wanted to play hide and go seek in the dark and if you got caught off with a piece of clothing’s had a shirt belt bra underwear socks headband and a amice for good luck we hid  and got caught but seeing at it was at my house I had the advantage plus imp a boss at hide and go seek. Brianna seemed content sitting on the couch skipping her bf or whatever he is so the rest of played by the end of it around 11 30 I had everything on except my belt amice and socks poppy lost her shirt cardigan sleep mask and socks ,john was left with his pants and boxers (though he should have had -one piece, and Skye being the little bitch she is quit after having to take of her shirt I hate that if you’re going to pussy out don’t play. we realized the time went argon showed up and we scrambled to find a TV because the downstairs had been overrun with adults we couldn’t make the TV work so at 12 I popped the confetti and we all yelled happy new year, no one got a new year’s kiss! no even poppy we chose to go back up and play some more till people had to leave but now it’s 2 off per round poppy and john made some dumb alliance to hide together in the closet I admit I was delouse but he is not mine I don’t have that right but it is my buff and my long term sort of crush it was all fine till poppy tripped and I guess twisted her ankle. we gave her ice and one by one pal left until it was me poppy (who was sleeping over) and argon we sat and talked I really like argon he seems nice I brought up chips and soda and titan argon loved him and poppy acted scared of him. it was a nice ending to the award party id give the event a 4 which is good since there were only 6 pal their after argon left me and poppy went to my room where we had some fun skipping john it was funny we acted high and I think he beloved us we will never know for sure showed my boobs off as much as I could we called john Brittany because of the head set and I put on my sunglasses to look like a cop it was pretty damn funny I got so into it I almost felt high I wish .I got john to tell poppy what happened under the hockey table and I said I loved him and he was an ass and best of all we saw his but by tricking him at truth or dare in the end I slept on the floor and poppy on the bed and when I woke up at 1 we went our spared ways I wrote half of my candied essay and they came to moms to Skype with john not acting high it was fun to talk to john and have the little party the only down side to this was when I woke up I ate chips and pizza which does not help the blog goal but I did brush my teeth and work on a project so I say it’s an overall win school starts again tomorrow I hope my jellies doesn’t get the best of me with this whole john poppy thing I love them both so much.